Why choose us

✓ We screen every au pair and host family.
✓ We have people in both Thailand and Sweden so that we can work in the most optimal way.
✓ We have recent real world au pair experience.
✓ We have contact with both the host families and the au pair in house, no need for another external agency, easier for everyone.

We have gained a very good sense of what a good host family and a good au pair looks like from our experience and my many meetings with other au pairs in Sweden. It is not always possible to find a good match for all parties, but with our help, we are able to help everyone find a good match. For this reason, Future Au pair believes we can be an important part of placing all program participants in positions that they will enjoy and gain the experience of a lifetime.

Our agency places qualified, screened au pairs from Thailand with screened Swedish host families. As part of our services, we find the perfect match that suits both parties' partial need for cultural exchange. Additionally, we maintain good communication with both sides to ensure that they are a good match for the entire duration of the contract.

Our company is in Sweden, but we have people in Thailand who assist us in finding and talking to people, with the right time zone, as well as the opportunity to meet them in person when necessary. Our presence in both countries gives us a unique opportunity to offer a good experience for both parties.

Our goal is to help both young adults and host families make positive changes in their lives and embrace one another's cultures. We truly believe that being an au pair is something that everyone should experience at least once in their life.