What is Au pair in Sweden?

All you need to know about the program

An au pair is a young adult aged 18 to 30 who travels to Sweden for a defined period of time to live with a host family for a maximum period of 12 months. The au pair’s main objective is to get to know the Swedish language and culture. Sweden is known for its good design and perfect natural surroundings and cosmopolitan cities. It's the perfect destination for au pairs who want to experience Scandinavian culture to the fullest.

The au pair supports the host family with childcare as a big brother or sister and light housework in exchange for accommodation, food and pocket money and opportunities to immerse themselves in a new country and culture, making memories they’ll treasure forever. Furthermore, Swedish host families will benefit from the flexible childcare help that comes from expanding the family member. For these reasons, Sweden has become a popular Au-Pair destination in recent years.

Are you interested? Check out the requirements below for au pairs and host families as your next step:

Au Pair requirements and conditions
Host family requirements and conditions